

According to Ayurveda, each and every individual’s body constitution is decided by the predominant dosha in them. The predominance of doshas is determined during the fertilization. Many factors influence this.

  • Whichever dosha is predominant in the ovum and sperm helps to form the body constitution.
  • The food that is taken by the mother during the pregnancy also has a great influence in this.
  • The behaviour of the mother during pregnancy and the emotions during the time period also affects a lot.
  • The nature of the uterus, even the season also determines the prakrithi of an individual.

There are mainly seven types of prakrithi or body constitution, according to the combination of doshas.

  1. Vataja:- This constitution is formed from the predominance of Vata.
  2. Pittaja:- The predominance of Pitta makes this constitution.
  3. Kaphaja:- Kapha’s predominance helps in the formation of this constitution.
  4. Vata Pittaja:- Vata and Pitta combines to form this body constitution.
  5. Vata Kaphaja:- When Kapha along with Vata become predominant, they forms this constitution.
  6. Pitta Kaphaja:- Pitta and Kapha constitutes this prakrtri.
  7. Tridoshaja:- When all the three doshas are predominant, they constitute tridoshaja prakrithi

A person’s appearance, nature, character, hair, body, strength, span, health etc. are all influenced by the prakrithi of the person. A physician can help you to assess your prakrithi.

Milk and Milk Products

From ancient period onwards, milk is considered to be the complete food. It is a best source for various vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats etc. Now let us see what Ayurveda has to say about milk and milk products.

According to Ayurveda, milk is sweet in taste. The milk is invigorating, aphrodisiac and acts as a coolant. It nourishes the tissues.

But the properties may change according to the source. In Ashtanga Hrdaya, various types of milk are discussed, including human milk.

Cow’s milk:- Ayurveda says that a person who consumes cow’s milk will get long life. Cow’s milk is also rejuvenative. It provides strength and increases intelligence.

Buffalo’s Milk:- Since this milk is difficult to digest, this milk can only be given to those with very powerful digestion.

Goat’s Milk:- Goat’s milk is easily digestible. It can be used in the treatment of several conditions like fever, dyspnoea etc.

Camel’s Milk:- Camel’s milk can help in increasing appetite and is easily digestible.

The text also discusses about the properties of ewe, elephant and that of one hoofed animals.


Curd is sour in taste. It is hard to digest. It helps in increasing fat and strength. Having curd will help in improving taste and appetite. But consuming curd may cause oedema in some. Ayurveda advices not to have curd in night and also do not heat the curd.

Traditional Buttermilk:- It is easily digestible and improves the appetite. It is sour in taste.

Butter:- Butter is aphrodisiac in nature and improves strength and digestion. It is cold in potency.

Ghee:- Ghee is considered to be the best among fats. It improves intelligence, memory and digestion. It bestows long life and good eye sight.

Among all these, the milk and milk products of cow is considered to be the best and that of ewe’s is the least


In our day today life, we use a wide variety of sweeteners. Chocolates, breads, desserts… all contain a large amount of sweeteners. In Ayurveda too, the topic is discussed and studied well. Let us take a glimpse.

Sugarcane Juice:- Sugarcane juice many properties. It acts like a laxative. Even though it is hard to digest, it nourishes the body and helps in making the body stout. The juice is diuretic and therefore helps in curing urinary problems. Along with that, it is an aphrodisiac. But spoiled sugarcane juice can cause burning sensation. Different varieties of sugarcane juice are mentioned.

Half Cooked Molasses:- This is said to be heavy and hard to digest. But it is diuretic.

Jaggery:- If purified well, the jaggery is laxative and acts as a diuretic. If not purified well, it can cause worm infestation.

Other varieties like brown sugar, sugar candy and refined sugar are also mentioned in Ayurveda. It says that they all have aphrodisiac property.

The best variety of sweetener is refined sugar and least variety is the half cooked molasses.

Honey:- Honey have a lot of medicinal properties. It is good for eye sight. It alleviates thirst. Along with that it helps to cure hiccup, cough diarrhoea. But it should not be heated. For treatment purposes it can be added with warm medicines.

Oils and Other Types of Fats


Oils are used for cooking, massaging etc. Only some of us know their properties. Ayurveda discusses about the properties of oils from different sources.

Sesame oil:- This oil have the ability to penetrate deeply into skin. It is hot in potency and kills worms. When processed well, the oil acquires the ability to cure many diseases.

Castor Oil:- The castor oil is laxative, hard to digest and is capable of penetrating deep into the skin.

Mustard Oil:- The oil is hot in potency, penetrates deep into skin and easily digestible.

Neem Oil:- This oil is not very hot, destroys worms and other skin disorders.

Linseed Oil and Sunflower Oil:- These oils are hot in potency.

The text also discusses about the Vasa(muscle fat), Majja (Bone marrow) and Medas (fat). They increases the body strength.



Water, is the elixir of life. Can you imagine a life without water? No doubt, earth would have been devoid of life. Let us see what Ayurveda says about water.

In Ashtanga Hrdaya, the water is classified according to the source.

The best type of water is rain water and that water which is exposed to sun and wind.

Dushta Jala or Contaminated Water:- In Ayurveda, it is strictly advised that a person should not consume contaminated water. If the water appears dirty, mixed with slush, algae, weeds or leaves, if not exposed to sunlight and wind, if it appears to be frothy, thick, heavy, or if there are worms or spiders, then the water is said to be contaminated.

River Water:- The water from Himalayan rivers was said to be the purest river water. Since the water gets churned up as it gets churned up while flowing from the mountains, it is said to be good for health. It is also said that water from certain regions can cure certain conditions.

The Ayurveda also discusses about well water.

Ayurveda also mentions the benefits of drinking water while having food. It is said that:-

  • If a person drinks water in the end of his or her meals, then the person’s body will be nourished or stout.
  • If a person drinks water in the beginning of his or her meals, then the person’s body will get emaciated.
  • If a person drinks water in the middle of his or her meals, then the person’s body will remain the same or normal.

The Ayurveda also discusses about the benefits of drinking hot water and cold water:-


  • Hot Water:-  Drinking hot water helps increase hunger and digestion. It helps to cure throat conditions, flatulence, cough, cold, dyspnoea etc.
  • Cold Water:- Drinking cold water helps in decreasing exhaustion, debility, thirst, heat of sun etc.


Coconut Water

Coconut water/ tender coconut water is sweet in taste and easily digestible. It is a coolant that relieves taste and is good for urinary problems.

Hypertension And Ayurveda


Hypertension or High blood pressure has become a common condition. Long term medication is needed to manage the blood pressure. Let us see what results in the increase in blood pressure.


The factors that determine the blood pressure are:-

  • The amount of blood your heart pumps.
  • The amount of resistance in the arteries to blood flow.

Now you may understand what results the high pressure. if your heart pumps more amount of blood or if the arteries become narrow, your blood pressure increases.


A person with high blood pressure may not have any symptoms for many years. Even though there may not be any symptoms, the condition may continue causing damages to blood vessels and heart. Eventually the variation in the pressure can be detected.

A few may develop the following symptoms:-

  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nose bleed

If uncontrolled this may result in heart attack or stroke and usually most people only get to know about their condition when they fall sick.


Primary hypertension

The cause is unknown. This type gradually develops over years.

Secondary hypertension

There will be an underlying cause that results in hypertension. The conditions that may cause hypertension are:-

  • Kidney problems
  • Thyroid issues
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Adrenal gland tumors
  • Congenital defects of arteries
  • Illegal drugs
  • Some medicines etc.


Many factors increase the risk of hypertension. They are:-

  • Age:- The risk of getting hypertension increases with the age.
  • Family History:- high blood pressure tends to run in families
  • Obesity
  • Less physical activity
  • Tobacco usage
  • Including too much salt in your diet and absence of enough potassium.
  • Alcoholism
  • Stress
  • Certain chronic conditions

During pregnancy, some may suffer from high blood pressure.


If uncontrolled for long period of time, the condition may cause:-

  • Heart attack 
  • Stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Heart failure
  • Affects the functioning of kidneys
  • Affects the health of eyes
  • Affects memory etc.


The history of the person is studied to understand the type and cause of hypertension. Internal and external medications can help in the management of the high blood pressure. Rest is an important factor that helps in this condition. Some of the treatments that can help are:-

  • Talam
  • Siro dhara
  • Siro lepa
  • Nasya
  • Raktamoksha
  • Rasayana chikitsa etc.

Yoga and meditation helps in controlling the blood flow and thereby helps in reducing the blood pressure.

The treatment is determined by the qualified physician after determining the root cause



Dandruff is a common skin condition that affects scalp. It is estimated that half of the adults are affected by this condition. The male population is more affected than the female population.

The exact cause is unknown but the environmental and genetic factors have a role in causing dandruff.

The main symptoms a person with dandruff will have to face are:-

  • Itching of the scalp
  • Flaking skin of the scalp

If the condition is associated with redness and itching not only on the scalp but also over the face, the condition is called seborrheic dermatitis.

In scalp psoriasis person may present with large silver scales and bigger lesions.

Dandruff is one of the main causes of hair fall. When left untreated the person may suffer from depression or low self esteem.

Dandruff in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda according to the condition or presentation the dandruff can be treated in many ways.

After assessing the Dosha and the condition the patient can be subjected to:-

  • Shiro lepana:- In this procedure medicated paste is applied on the scalp and left there for a specified time. Later the paste is washed off.
  • Shira kshalana:- medicated decoctions or liquids are used to wash the hair and scalp to cure the condition.
  • Shiro abhyanga:- in this procedure medicated oils are used to massage the scalp and hair.
  • Shodhana chikilsa:- The purification therapies like blood letting, Vamana, virechana and Nasyam are used to eliminate the doshas.

The treatment to be done is decided by the physician after assessing the the vitiated doshas. The treatment should be done under the strict supervision of the physician. A patient should follow the instructions of the physician to get maximum result.



Asthma is a long-term inflammatory disease affecting the airways. the airways become narrow swollen and produce extra mucus that obstruct the passage.

Usually the person suffering from asthma suffer from recurring symptoms like reversible airflow obstruction and bronchospasm.


  • Wheezing:- high pitch whistling sound produced while breathing. This is caused by the narrowed air passage
  • Coughing
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath

The symptoms may version at night or in early morning.

Some may suffer from associated conditions like:-

  • GERD:-Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
  • Rhinosinusitis
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Mood disorders

What causes asthma?

The factors that cause of asthma can be:-

  • Environmental factors:- increased air pollution is one of the factor that causes asthma. Lower quality of air has raised the number of persons affected by asthma.
  • Over cleanliness:- There is a theory that supports over cleanliness will also increases the chance for asthma. Reduced exposure to bacteria and viruses will have negative effect on the immunity of the body. Now a days the doctors recommend moderate exposure to dirt and dust, in the early stages of life as good for improving the immunity.
  • Smoking:- both active and passive smoking are the causes for asthma.
  • Genetic factors

How can we manage asthma in Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda asthma is considered as swasa. The condition is classified into many types according to the signs and symptoms shown by the patient. Difference Symptoms and signs are caused by the vitiation of different doshas.

After a thorough examination the physician decides the type of treatment to be given to the person. 

According to the type of Swasa, and the condition of patient the mode of treatment is selected.

  • Shodhana chikitsa:- If the patient is strong and is eligible for shodhana chikitsa, then the person can be subjected to purification after the pre operative procedures. This will help in eliminating the vitiated doshas from the body and will help in managing the condition rapidly.
  • Shamana chikitsa:- If the person is not capable of undergoing shodhana chikitsa, then the person can be given Shamana chikitsa. In this type of treatment medicines are given manage the condition.

Along with the treatments or after the treatment if patient should follow a healthy lifestyle and diet according to the instructions of the physician.

Practicing yoga especially pranayama can help in managing asthma.



Allergy has become a common condition. It is the hypersensitivity of the immune system to substances that are usually harmless. A large percentage of the population is suffering from one or the other type of allergy.

Types of allergy

There are many types of allergies. The most common ones are:-

  • Hay fever
  • Food allergy
  • Asthma
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Drug allergy etc

Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, present with signs and symptoms like running nose and cold.

The common foods that cause allergy are wheat, peanut, shellfish etc. some children are also allergic to cow’s milk, goat’s milk etc. The person main person with vomiting, diarrhoea or skin rashes.

Some drugs like penicillin, can cause a state of anaphylaxis, if left untreated may result in coma or death. Even some food or insect bites can also cause anaphylaxis.

What are the signs and symptoms shown by the person with allergy

Even though each person may have a different type of allergy, some signs and symptoms may be common.

  • Rhinitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Redness of eyes
  • Itching of eyes
  • Dyspnea with wheezing
  • Skin rashes
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea etc

What are the farctors that cause allergy

A different immune response of the body causes allergy. The body’s immune system may react to harmless substances like pollen grains. The factors that influence are:

  • Environmental factors
  • Genetic factors

The stress and anxiety may worsen the condition.

Over cleanliness may increase the chances of allergy.

Management allergy can be done by minimal exposure to the allergens.

Management of allergy in Ayurveda

As in case of every disease, evaluation of the Dosha predominance is done. The treatment for the condition is determined according to the vitiated dosha.

  • Shodhana chikitsa:- Purificatory therapies helps in eliminating the dosa, and thereby helps in the management of allergy.
  • Shamana chikilsa:- Those ineligible for purificatory therapies can be subjected to Shamana chikilsa.

Yoga and change in lifestyle can help tackle the allergy easily along with treatments.



Insomnia or sleeplessness is a sleep disorder. A person suffering from insomnia find difficulty to fall asleep or stay asleep.

The lack of sleep affects the person in many ways. The after effects of insomnia are:-

  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Low energy
  • Irritability
  • Depressed mood

The causes of insomnia

Insomnia may be caused by the following reasons:-

  • Psychological Stress
  • Chronic pain
  • Heart failure or heart diseases
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Heartburn
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Menopause
  • Due to some medications
  • Intake of caffeine, nicotine, alcohol etc.


The person with insomnia may suffer from:-

  • Difficulty in falling asleep
  • Difficulty in finding a comfortable sleeping position
  • Waking during night and unable to return to sleep
  • Waking up early
  • Tiredness
  • Difficulty in finding focus on daily task
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

How to prevent insomnia

A person can avoid insomnia by limiting or avoiding naps. Avoid taking large meals before going to bed. Decrease the amount of intake of caffeine, nicotine or alcohol. Treatment for any physical ailments that can cause insomnia should be done at correct time.

Management of insomnia in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda insomnia can be managed effectively. The most important thing is to find the exact cause of insomnia. After finding the course the treatment can be decided accordingly.

General methods that can be used for treating insomnia are:-

  • Abhyanga:- massaging the body with oil
  • Padabhyanga:- massaging foot with oil
  • Thalam:- medicated paste is made and is applied on the head
  • Shiro abhyanga:- massaging of head with oil
  • Shirodhara:- pouring of medicated liquids on head.

Apart from the above said procedures, there are internal medicines that help the person to overcome the cause of insomnia

Low back ache

lower back ache

Low back ache is a common disorder that may involve muscles, nerves and bones of back. The pain can be mild to severe.

Causes of low back ache

There are a large number of causes.

Strain, sprain, spasm osteoarthritis, herniation, stenosis and fracture are some of the musculoskeletal causes.

Inflammatory conditions like ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome also cause low back pain.

Some malignancies like breast cancer, prostate cancer, bone cancer and thyroid cancer cause pain in the lower back area.

Osteomyelitis and abscess are infectious conditions that can cause low back pain.

In some conditions like kidney diseases and gallbladder diseases, there can be lower back pain as referred pain.

Osteoarthritis, degeneration of disc etc are the most common conditions of low back pain.

In women conditions like endometriosis, ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer and uterine fibroids also present with low back pain.

Management of low back pain in Ayurveda

First of all the exact cause of the low back pain is to be determined. The physician may use techniques like X-rays, MRI to diagnose the condition. After diagnosing the condition, the physician decide what treatment is to be given.

In low back pain due to ankylosing spondylitis  etc. the treatment may be as follows:-

  • Lepanam:- medicated paste is made and applied on the area and left their for a specified time.
  • Kati abhyanga:- it is the massaging of low back area with oil
  • Kashaya Dhara:- medicated decoctions are made and used to pour over the painful area
  • Different pinda Sweda:- according to the condition of the patient and the disease the physician chooses appropriate type of pinda Sweda. That maybe Patra potali Sweda, jambira pinda Sweda, churna pinda Sweda etc.
  • Sodhana chikilsa:- purification therapies especially basti, can help alleviate the condition.

Along with the treatment appropriate exercises that can help strengthen The structures in the lower back area can also help in overcoming the pain.

The pain caused by other reasons are treated accordingly.



Fissure-in-ano is a break or tear in skin of anal canal. A person with fissure-in-ano mein often complain about bright red coloured bleeding. He or she may also complain about pain after defecation.

The causes of fissure-in-ano

Most of the fissure are caused by the stretching of anal mucosa beyond its capability. Usually the fissure looks like a paper cut and therefore is not visible easily.

In adults the fissure is caused by:-

  • Constipation
  • Passing of large and hard stools
  • Prolonged diarrhoea

In older adults, the blood flow to the anus decreases and therefore can cause fissure-in-ano.

Fissure-in-ano is associated with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome etc.

In sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, herpes and human papillomavirus infection, the anal mucosa becomes unhealthy and may result in fissure-in-ano.

Other common causes that can cause the condition are:-

  • Child birth trauma
  • Anal sex
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Ulcerative colitis

Management of fissure- in-ano in Ayurveda

Medicines are given to smoothen the bowel. After a thorough examination the physician decides the treatment to be done.

The following treatments are effective in fissure in ano:-

  • Avagaha:- douche in medicated water
  • Local application of medicated oil, ghee
  • Basti or enema

Along with the treatments internal medicines are also given to alleviate the condition.

Premature Graying Of Hair And Treatments In Ayurveda

premature graying

Everyone dream of having beautiful hair. But, if the hair greys fast ??? What are the treatments that are available in Ayurveda to manage premature greying? Let us see about all these in this article.


This condition has a negative impact on mind. The person loses confidence and self esteem. Hair is said to have prematurely if it occurs before the age of 20 years in Whites, before 25 years in Asians and before 30 in Africans.

Causes of Premature Greying

Many nutritional, genetic and environmental factors contribute to this condition.

Nutritional Factors:

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Severe iron deficiency
  • Chronic protein loss
  • Copper deficiency
  • Low serum ferritin
  • Low serum calcium
  • Low Vitamin D3

Genetic Factors:

  • Familial predisposition
  • Certain chromosomal defects
  • Certain autoimmune disorders

Environmental Factors

  • Smoking
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays
  • Pollution

Now let us see what Ayurveda has to say about premature greying


The condition is called as Palita in Ayurveda. It is of 4 types:-

  • Vataja
  • Pittaja
  • Kaphaja
  • Sannipataja

Many treatment methods are there to manage the premature greying. Mainly Rasayana should be done, i.e. Rejuvenation therapy.

Along with that certain treatments are also done:-

  • Siro abhyanga:- Head massage
  • Siro basthi:- Holding of oil on head with the help of a well like structure
  • Siro dhara:- Pouring of medicated liquids or oils in a specific manner
  • Nasyam:- Nasal instillation
  • Virechanam:- Purgation

The treatments may vary according to the condition of each individual.


  • Take nutritious foods. Do not stick on to one diet. Include many types of foods.
  • Stay hydrated. Water helps to maintain the moisture of hair.
  • Protect your hair from pollution
  • Do not treat your hair with chemicals. Give them a natural hug.
  • Avoid stress and sleep well.

Uro Vasthi

Uro vasthi

Uro Vasthi comes under External Vasthi. Uro Basthi is done on the chest region.


In this procedure, the person is asked to lie in supine position. A well-like structure or a frame is made and fixed on the chest region. While fixing it should be made sure that it should be leak-proof. After this warm medicated oil is poured into it and is held there for a specified time. The temperature of the medicated oil is kept constant by making the oil warm. After the procedure, the oil is removed and the person can bath in luke-warm water after 15 minutes of relaxation.


The Uro Vasthi is indicated in the following conditions:-

  • Hiccups
  • Injuries in the chest region
  • Costochondritis
  • In certain types of cough etc.

The person should not shake or move during the procedure. He/she should follow the instructions of the physician strictly.



Udwarthanam comes under Rukshana type of treatments. This is usually done before the Panchakarmas.


In Udwarthanam, medicated powders or pastes are used to massage on the body. The pressure of the massage is adjusted to make the procedure comfortable. The massage is done in the opposite direction of the body hair or Pratiloma direction. The time period of the treatment is decided by the physician.

Face and head are avoided. Care is taken to avoid the medicine from falling in the eyes, ears and nose. While consulting the physician the person should inform the physician whether the person is suffering from any type of allergies, especially dust allergy.

After the period of rest the person can bath in luke warm water.


By undergoing Udwarthanam the following benefits are there:-

  • Acts as a passive exercise.
  • Good for skin
  • Makes the body light
  • Helps in removing bad odours
  • Helps in improving the activities of the muscles
  • Makes the body more flexible

Ayurveda advises to practice Udwarthanam as a daily regimen. But it can also be used to treat many conditions.


The Udwarthanam is indicated in the conditions like:-

  • Diseases caused by the Kapha Dosha
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Wasting of muscles
  • Motor neuron diseases
  • Neuropathies
  • Vascular diseases, mainly that are peripheral


The persons with the following conditions should not undergo the procedure:-

  • Diseases caused by the Pitta Dosha
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Wounds and injuries
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • In children and old aged etc.

The person should follow the instructions given by the physician. If he/she finds any discomfort, especially skin irritation, allergy or intolerable pressure, the person should inform the physician.



The word “Panchakarma” is so commonly heard word along with Ayurveda. But a majority thinks that Panchakarma is all about that special oil massage. So what is Panchakarma in real?

“Pancha” means five and “Karma” means procedure/actions. The word itself shows that it includes 5 procedures. These five procedures are designed for the internal purification of the body. Panchakarmas when performed in the correct way helps our body system to attain homeostasis and to repair and rejuvenate rapidly. Administration of medicines after performing the Panchakarmas will help facilitating the action of the medicines in the body.

Apart from treating a disease, the Panchakarmas are used as pre-operative procedure, before rejuvenation therapy etc.


  • Vamana
  • Virechana
  • Niruha Basti
  • Anuvasana Basti
  • Nasya

There are some pre-operative and post-operative procedures for Panchakarmas.

The Pre-operative procedures or Purvakarma include Dipana, Pachana, Snehana and Svedana.

The Post-operative procedures or Paschatkarma include Samsarjana Krama, Rasayanadi Karma and Samana Prayoga.

Let us have a look on these.


As we have discussed earlier, the main cause of a disease is the disturbed equilibrium of Doshas/ humors (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). So elimination of the vitiated dosha is done with the Panchakarma. Before doing this, our body should be prepared by the following porocedures:-

  • Dipana
  • Pachana
  • Snehana
  • Svedana

Dipana and Pachana:- By this process the digestion is enhanced. Internal medicines are given to the person that will enhance digestion.

Snehana:- Internal and external oleation. Through this procedure the body becomes moist, soft, oily and is liquefied. According to the disease and the condition of body the procedure is decided.

Internal oleation is the administration of oils or fats internally.

External oleation is the external application of oils or fats externally. These include Abhyanga ( Massage therapy) etc.

Snehana can also be done as the main procedure to cure specific diseases or for the nourishment of the body.

Svedana:- The sudation therapy. By this procedure the vitiated doshas are driven from the extremities or other parts of the body to the Koshta or to the digestive tract.

In this procedure the body is made to sweat or perspire. This helps to relieve stiffness and heaviness.

Svedana is the prime modality treatment for various disorders.

It includes various procedures like Kizhi, Dhara etc.


Vamana:- Emesis therapy. This helps in the elimination of vitiated Kapha Dosha. The individual, after proper analysis, is administered with the emetic drugs at proper time.

Virechana:- Purgation therapy. This helps in the elimination of the vitiated Pitta Dosha. Here too, the procedure and the selection of drugs are done after thorough analysis.

Niruha Basthi:- Also known as Kashaya Basthi. Mainly different forms of Kashayas or decoctions are administered as enemas. But it is not merely an enema. It is a systemic therapy having a wide range of therapeutic effects. This helps in the elimination of the vitiated Vata Dosha.

Anuvasana Basthi:- Even though simple, when compared to Niruha Basthi, it is an important treatment. This is widely used in the treatment of the Vata related diseases.

Nasya:-  Errhine  therapy. Here the medicines are administered through the nose. This is usually done to eliminate doshas from sinus, throat, nose or head. Nasya is really effective in the treatment of various CNS disorders, facial palsy etc.

All the above mentioned Panchakarmas are not only curative but are also used as rejuvenative and preventive measures.


After the purification therapies, the digestion and body itself becomes weak. The post-operative procedures help to regain the strength and digestion. This includes planned diet and restricted activities along with internal medicines.

After the consultation of a physician, an individual can undergo Panchakarma. Physician is the one to decide whether the person is eligible to undergo Panchakarma. For better results, the person should obey the Physician’s directions.




“A traditional system of medicine, originated India, which uses herbs etc. as medicines and also includes massage etc”.

This is the general perception about Ayurveda. But does that give a clear picture?

The word Ayurveda literally means “The Science of Life”. The word originated from two Sanskrit words “Ayus” and “Veda”. Ayus means Life and Veda meaning attaining knowledge.

 It is not only a system of medicine but also a sacred precept that guide us through every aspect of life.


The exact time period of the origin of life in this universe is unknown. But it’s sure that the primitive men might have developed some natural methods to cure their ailments. The evolution of most sciences might be from these methods.

The exact origin of Ayurveda is not known. There are no recorded evidences to trace back exact time period of its origin.

Veda, are ancient Indian literature, written in the Iron Age. The medical knowledge of that era is recorded in a scattered manner in the Vedas. Ayurveda is the Upaveda or a part of the Atharva Veda, one of the four Vedas.


According to Ayurveda, our body is composed of 5 elements or Panchamahabhutas:-

  • Akasa – Ether or free space
  • Vayu – Air
  • Agni – Fire
  • Jala – Water
  • Prithvi – Earth

The English terms given above do not convey full and exact implication of the corresponding Sanskrit terms. But for a common man to understand we can correlate those terms.

The human body made of Panchamahabhutas is controlled by 3 humors or Tridoshas:-

  • Vata
  • Pitta
  • Kapha

According to Ayurveda the equilibrium of these 3 factors results in health and any imbalances will result in disease.


The division of the Ayurveda itself shows, even before five thousand years, how seriously it deals various topics. The eight branches of Ayurveda are:-

  • Kaya Chikitsa – General Medicine.
  • Bala Chikitsa – Paediatrics
  • Bhutavidya – Psychiatry and mental well being
  • Urdhwangachikitsa/Shalakyatantra – Treatment of neck and head related diseases
  • Shalyatantra – Surgery
  • Rasayana Chikitsa – Rejuvenation therapy
  • Vajeekarana Chikitsa – Science of Aphrodisiacs
  • Agadatantra – Toxicology


Life is a combination of the body, organs (mainly sense organs), mind and soul. To have a perfect life we should have this perfect combination.

Ayurveda helps us to understand the mysterious physical and mental factors of our life. It not only teaches us to cure diseases but also helps to prevent them and guide us how to stay healthy.

हिताहितं सुखं दुखमायुस्तस्य हिताहितं  

मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तमायुर्वेद स उच्यते     ││

(Caraka Samhitha: Sutra Sthana: Chapter 1: Verse 41)

One of the greatest treatises in Ayurveda, Caraka Samhitha’s definition shows the relevance and the importance of Ayurveda. The Samhitha defines Ayurveda as the science where the:-

  • Hitha (advantageous) and Ahitha (disadvantageous)
  • Sukha (happiness) and Dukha (Unhappiness)
  • Hithayu (good life) and Ahithayu (bad life)

along with their measures and life itself are described.

The elaborate description about the regimens to be followed daily and seasonally makes this science unique. Along with that it helps us to understand the norms towards well being. The one who follows the above said can attain health and happiness.

Ayurveda And Wellness

Ayurveda and wellness

The state of wellness differs from one individual to other.

The National Institute of Wellness, USA, defines the Wellness as “an active process through which people becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.

While studying the above said definition it may create confusion on how the health and wellness are related.

The National Institute of Wellness gives 6 dimensions for wellness:-

  • Occupational
  • Physical
  • Social
  • Intellectual
  • Spiritual
  • Emotional

These all dimensions focus on an individual’s physical, mental and social wellbeing.

Now let us take a look at the health’s definition WHO.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease and infirmity.

Therefore, wellness is also a state of being healthy.

The definition of health in Ayurveda also depicts the same meaning.

समदोष समाग्निश्च समाधातु मलक्रिया ।

प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रिय मन: स्वस्थेत्यभिधीयते ॥

(Susrutha Samhitha: Suthra Sthana: Chapter -15: Verse-41)

The balanced equilibrium between the Doshas and other factors along with a pleasant and healthy soul, sense organs and mind is said to be health.

The ultimate aim of Ayurveda is protecting the health of healthy and curing the diseased.


Daily regimen and Seasonal regimen:- Even before describing the diseases, almost all texts in Ayurveda describes healthy regimens that are to be followed daily and seasonally.

Daily regimen or Dinacharya include the habits to be followed everyday to avoid the diseases. Some of them are getting up early in the morning (before sunrise), Evacuation of wastes, Cleaning of mouth, nose, throat etc, oil massage, bathing etc.

Seasonal regimen describes about the characteristics of every season in a year (6 seasons). It also gives us detailed information about how each season and the transformation of seasons affects the health of an individual. By adopting the measures given by Ayurveda, we can protect our health from various seasonal ailments.

Urges:- Do you know that certain urges should not be held with? Yes. If we observe ourselves we can understand how holding those urges can affect our well being. Ayurveda guides us about the urges that should not be held and that should be held, along with the ailments that may occur from not following the directions.

Foods and Liquids:- Ayurveda categorizes various foods and drinks into various Vargas (meaning categories itself). For example, in case of foods, there are many categories like Mamsa Varga (category of meats), Phala Varga (category of fruits), Lavanadi Varga (category of Salts) etc. In liquids, there are category like Thoya Varga (category of waters), Thaila Varga (Category of oils) etc. Along with categorizing, the science also describes the qualities of each item so that one can understand the best and worst among them.

Virudhahara:- The foods that are incompatible along with their effects are taught.

Panchakarmas and other associated procedures:- Panchakarmas are the procedures that help to purify the body and thus helps to cure and rejuvenate the body. Along with that the pre-operative and post operative procedures are also mentioned. Some of them can also be used individually as treatment.

Good conducts of living:- As a social being, an individual will have to follow certain norms of living. These include physical, mental and spiritual aspects.

The above mentioned are just peripheral. As we go deep into Ayurveda, we can understand that Ayurveda aims not only on the health of an individual but also on the overall wellbeing of an individual.

Remedies For Hair Loss In Ayurveda

Remedies for hairloss in ayurveda

Ladies and gentlemen!!! We understand the pain when you realise that you are having hair loss. All most everybody in this world might have faced this problem. And we are sure that you might have already done a research in the topic. Now, what makes this article different from others? You might have already read a hundreds of articles about the causes, treatments, and remedies. This article speaks about what can be done to overcome the hair loss with the help of Ayurveda.

First we can discuss about the common types of Hair loss and its causes.

  • Male/Female pattern baldness
  • Alopecia areata
  • Telogen effluvium
  • Anagen effluvium
  • Hairloss due to some hormonal variations

Male/Female Pattern Baldness: – The main factor for this cause is genetics. But it may be also caused by the excess production of androgens. In females, this usually appears after menopause and the thinning occurs on the top and the crown of the head. The thinning starts as widening of the centre hair part. In males, the thinning occurs on the top and front of the head.

Alopecia areata:- This is a condition in which the hair falls of  in round patches. This may occur not ony on the head but also on the body. The condition may occur in various forms:-

  • Alopecia areata:- The loss of hair in small patches
  • Alopecia totalis:- The loss of the entire hair on scalp
  • Alopecia universalis:- The loss of hair all over the body

Telogen effluvium:- This is a condition of temporary hair loss that usually happens after a stress, shock or a traumatic event. In this case, large amounts of hair may fall off. The condition is often temporary and the hair usually grows back. The person may notice hair falling off during the hair wash or while brushing hair. The causes may include:-

  • Severe stress
  • Poor diet
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Pregnancy
  • Child birth
  • Menopause
  • Certain drug interactions
  • Underlying health conditions
  • Metal toxicity

ANAGEN EFFLUVIUM:- It is a pathologic condition in which the growth phase hairs fall off. The person may have partial or complete baldness. The causes of this condition are the following:-

  • Infection
  • Drugs
  • Toxins, for eg. In case of chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Auto-immune diseases, for eg. Arsenic poisoning, gold poisoning etc.

This is just a summary of the hair loss. Now let us see how we can cure hair loss with the help Ayurveda.


First the cause of the hair loss is determined by the physician. Then according to the condition, the treatment is prescribed.

Ayurvedic treatments that can be done for Alopecia are:-

  • Siro udwarttanam
  • Nasyam
  • Abhyanga
  • Mild swedanam
  • Lekhanam
  • Virechanam
  • Raktamokshanam
  • Lepanam etc.

For other type of common hair falls:-

  • Mild virechanam
  • Nasyam
  • Siro abhyangam
  • Siro Basthi
  • Siro dhara etc.

Many internal medicines are also there to help manage hair fall.


  • Make sure that your diet includes the necessary nutrients.
  1. Proteins
  2. Biotin
  3. Vitamin C, A, D, B, E
  4. Omega  fatty acids
  5. Calcium
  6. Iron
  7. Zinc

That is make sure that your diet includes, eggs, citrus fruits, berries, spinach, fish, avocados, nuts, seeds, beans, meat etc.

  • Do not brush the hair when wet.

Dhanyamla Dhara

Dhanyamla dhara

Dhanyamla Dhara comes under Swedana therapy (Sudation). Let us see what is Dhanyamla.


Dhanyamla is a fermented medicated liquid. It has great anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It can help in the treatment of diseases caused by the Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha. The Dhanyamla is not only used in Dharas, but also for Basthi, Lepanam etc.


The person is seated on dhroni. Thalam is kept on the vertex of the head. According to the condition of the person Abhyanga may or may not be done.

While doing the Dhara the medicine may fall in the eyes or ears. To prevent that usually the eyes are covered with cotton pads and the ears are plugged with cotton balls.

The Dhanyamla is made warm and poured on the body continuously. The position of the person is changed in between the procedure. After the specified time, the body of the person is wiped and the coverings of the eyes and ears are removed. After proper rest the person can take bath in lukewarm water.


The Dhanyamla Dhara is indicated in conditions like:-

  • Diseases of Vata Dosha and Kapha Dosha
  • Neuropathies, especially that related to Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Rheumatic Fever etc

The person should consult a physician before undergoing the treatment. The person should follow the instructions of the physician.