
Work Without Stress

In this age, when virtual world co-exists with reality, finding a Work-life balance is not an easy pursuit. In fact, stress and burnout are real life issues as busy professionals with demanding lifestyle is a common scenario these days in every metropolitan city. As an employee you should be confident, fast, responsible, talented and destressed at the same time. If stress eats us everything is lost.

The future of the corporate companies or the ‘Pillars’ of the company are good, smart and talented employees who work day and night. Work-related stress is one of the major public health issues and solution strategies for this are mandatory. Yoga is a common approach to manage stress and its effectiveness have been extensively confirmed.
Health benefits that have been proven throughout history, yoga is gaining prominence in workplaces worldwide.


Benefits of Yoga at Workplace

1. Pushes up the Energy level

After 6 to 8 hours of continuous work and a sedentary lifestyle, employees get exhausted. So moderate stretching and loosening exercise will be of great help  to reduce stiffness, fatigue and to boost your energy level.

2. Improves the posture

Corporate employees spend most of their time sitting in chairs for long hours. Oblivious to them, this unnatural position is detrimental to their health. When you’re stronger and more flexible, your posture also improves. Yoga also helps you in building  body awareness which in turn helps you notice more quickly if you’re slouching or slumping, so that your posture can be adjusted.

3. Reduces the stiffness

Due to long sitting position and strain in neck as a result of laptop usage will end up in
neck stiffness and cervical spondylitis issues. Yoga poses work by stretching your muscles. They can help you move better and feel less stiff or tired.

4. Yoga- A key to  achieve Work-life balance

Some people are not confident enough to cope up with work and household chores. At times grouchy at work as they struggle to find that elusive work-life balance. Yoga helps you manage time better. You will find time not only for work and home but also for the society at large.

Many studies have proven that a little yoga in the morning, at night, or even during a lunch break, can minimize stress and increase productivity. It is believed that yoga is so effective for stress relief because, apart  from the physical benefits that yoga brings in, it encourages a good mood, an increase in mindfulness, and a healthy dose of self-compassion as well.

Pre-natal Yoga and Pregnancy


Pregnancy is the period in which a woman experiences a psychological & physiological change in the body. Every woman will experience this. Some will face some emotional distress during this period. It’s very important to make sure that the mother is relaxed and happy, only then the growing fetus inside the womb will be happy. The future depends on what we do today!!!

As we all know physiological and psychological changes will be there for every pregnant woman during each trimester. Yoga intervention during pregnancy is more beneficial than another physical exercise. Yoga gives both physical and mental relaxation for the mother and growing child.

Yoga can safely be done for pregnant ladies who are at high risk and prenatal issues like preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, thyroid problems, depression, lumbopelvic pain, etc and thereby providing a healthy pregnancy.


What are the benefits of prenatal yoga?
Prenatal yoga is an exercise that encourages stretching, mental centering, and focused breathing.

Prenatal yoga can:
• Improve sleep
• Reduce stress and anxiety
• Increase the strength, flexibility of muscles needed for childbirth
• Decrease lower back pain, nausea, headaches, and shortness of breath
• Relaxes physically and mentally
• Enhances mental stability for the baby
• Improves the lung capacity of both mother & baby
• Improve blood circulation

Prenatal yoga should be handled carefully and be practiced only under the guidance of an expert. The yogic techniques need to be practiced according to the trimester.
• First trimester (First three months)
• Second trimester (Mid three months)
• Third trimester (Last three months)

Yoga at First trimester
The first trimester is mentioned as the first three months of pregnancy. It is considered a very crucial period. So, doctors recommend avoiding sudden jerky movements and heavy exercises. It is very important to take a rest during this period and relax mentally and physically. Let’s see some basic yogic techniques during the first trimester.
• Sukshma Vayama (Loosening Exercise)
• Pranayama (Breathing exercise)
• Relaxation techniques like DRT, QRT, IRT

Yoga at second trimester
The second trimester is defined as the mid-month ie 4th, 5th & 6th month of maternity. This period is considered the relaxation period for all pregnant women. In the first trimester, they will be facing morning sickness, mood fluctuations, etc. This period is for relaxation for all pregnant moms. Now they feel there is someone living inside them. Now it’s time for some mild yogic techniques. Let’s see some
• Mild side ward stretching without any pressure to the abdomen and back.
• Pranayama
• Some basic asanas

Yoga at third trimester
It’s the last three months of maternity i.e the 7th, 8th & 9th month. During this period the body is preparing for the labour and due to uterus expansion, there will be muscle pain in the thighs and back. Let’s see some yogic techniques.
• Pranayama
• Relaxation techniques
• Yoga Nidra
• Asanas including mild stretching

Precautions while doing Yogic Asanas

Remember to take medical consultation before starting yoga. Try only those asanas prescribed by the practitioner. Remember these points below and avoid the following while doing yoga during pregnancy.

  • Avoid strenuous exercises & stretching
  • Avoid a long time lying down in the supine position because it will cause a lack of oxygen supply and will result in shortness of breath.
  • Avoid sudden jerky movements and asanas
  • Avoid some breathing techniques like Kabalabhati and breathing retention or holding the breath.
  • Avoid all advanced asanas like head standing, shoulder standing, inverted postures
  • Do all the asanas under the guidance of doctors or any health experts.
  • Twisting asanas also should be avoided


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Images from parenting