
Psoriasis Treatment Program (Sidhma Chikitsa)

Psoriasis treatment programme


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder with abnormally excessive and rapid growth of epidermal layer of skin. It is characterized by patches of abnormal skin. The patches are typically dry itchy and scaly.

The patches can be small localised or covering the full body.

The condition can appear at any age usually in adult age.

The condition is usually associated with Psoriatic Arthritis, Cardiovascular diseases, depression etc. The person may also have changes in the structure of nails.

The signs and symptoms may vary according to the type of psoriasis and there are five types of psoriasis.


There is no exact cause for this condition. The factors that may result in this condition are

  • Genetics
  • Lifestyle
  • Chronic infections
  • Stress
  • Season and climate
  • Dryness of skin

Treatment of Psoriasis in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, psoriasis is considered as Sidhma Kushta. The treatment is based on the severity, location and extent of the condition.

in Ayurveda along with the factors like genetics, lifestyle, climate, season and climate, the food habits also play a role in causing psoriasis. Viruddha ahara causes the vitiation of doshas, resulting in psoriasis.

the main treatment modality used in the condition of Sidhma kushta is shodhana chikilsa.

Before the shodhana chikitsa the patient is subjected to snehapana, that is the oleation therapy. The type of shodhana chikitsa is chosen according to the type of dosha vitiated. If more doshas are aggravated, multiple Shodhana therapies are done with care.

In order to undergo the shodhana therapies, the patient should be fit and eligible. Therefore the physician examines the patient and make sure that he or she is eligible for the procedure.

Shamana chikilsa are also done in case of psoriasis. The medicines are prescribed according to the dosha predominance.

The patient may be given a diet pattern to follow during the treatment or after treatment. Thehe person should strictly follow all the instructions given by the physician to get the cure.