
Karkidaka Chikitsa or Monsoon Treatment

Karkkida Chikilsa

We all love rain. But do you know about the changes that take place in our body when the monsoon comes? And what is the importance of Karkidaka Chikitsa?

Rainy season comes after summer. In summer, the digestive fire gets debilitated. When the season changes suddenly, the digestion again slows down. That results in the vitiation of doshas. Along with that the heavy clouds, cold wind, polluted water etc results in further vitiation of doshas.

The vitiation of doshas may cause diseases or will aggravate the conditions already present. Here is the relevance of undergoing the ayurvedic treatment and following the ayurvedic way of living during the monsoon. The treatment methods are called as “Karkidaka Chikitsa” in Malayalam, in which “Karkidaka” is a month in the Malayalam calendar. It is during this season the monsoon starts in Kerala. “Chikitsa” means treatment.

The treatments done in monsoon are focused to alleviate the vitiated doshas. The Acharyas advice to perform purificatory therapies, that comes under Panchakarmas, to eliminate the doshas. After a thorough examination the physician evaluates the health of the person and decides the treatment routine. It may depend according to the health and other conditions of the person.

Ayurveda also advice to follow the following diet:-

  • Include the preparations with old grains.
  • Meat juices with spice is good during the season
  • Soups made from pulses can be included
  • Drink only boiled water
  • When the sunlight is very low, include food that are sour, salty, rich in fat, dry and that are easily digestible in diet.
  • Use of honey in food is good for health.

Avoid the following:-

  • Bathing and drinking in river water
  • Sleeping at daytime
  • Over exercise
  • Exposure to sun