Entries by WellnessLoka


The word “Panchakarma” is so commonly heard word along with Ayurveda. But a majority thinks that Panchakarma is all about that special oil massage. So what is Panchakarma in real? “Pancha” means five and “Karma” means procedure/actions. The word itself shows that it includes 5 procedures. These five procedures are designed for the internal purification […]


WHAT IS AYURVEDA? “A traditional system of medicine, originated India, which uses herbs etc. as medicines and also includes massage etc”. This is the general perception about Ayurveda. But does that give a clear picture? The word Ayurveda literally means “The Science of Life”. The word originated from two Sanskrit words “Ayus” and “Veda”. Ayus […]

Ayurveda And Wellness

The state of wellness differs from one individual to other. The National Institute of Wellness, USA, defines the Wellness as “an active process through which people becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.” While studying the above said definition it may create confusion on how the health and wellness are related. […]

Treatment for Neurological Disability

Any disorder of nervous system can be considered as neurological disability. The disorders of nervous system can be:- Structural Biochemical Electrical If any of the above said abnormalities are present in brain, spinal cord or other nerves the following symptoms may appear:- Paralysis Muscle weakness Poor coordination Loss of sensation Seizures Confusion Altered level of […]

Revitalization and strengthening treatment for cancer patients ( not cure)

Cancer has become a common condition that doesn’t require any introduction. There are effective treatments in modern medicine that can cure and manage this disease. After the treatments like chemotherapy and radiation the immunity and overall health of the person may decline. The ultimate goal of Ayurveda is swastasya swaastya samrakshanam and athurasya vikara prasamanam. […]

Treatment for Arthritis and Spondylosis

Arthritis Arthritis includes any disorder that affects joints. The common symptoms include joint pain and stiffness.In more severe cases redness, decreased range of motion and swelling can be seen. The onset can be gradual or sudden. Arthritis comes under Rheumatology and more than hundred conditions come under this topic. Even though the condition is common […]

Treatment For Slipped Disc

Slipped disc is a common condition. But many do not know what it is. So let me give an idea. DISC The exact name is Intervertebral Disc. From the name itself it is clear that the structure is “Disc-shaped”. It is located in between the adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column. This is a structure […]

Treatment Of Diabetes

Before going in detail with the topic, we should understand that there are mainly 2 types of Diabetes:-   Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Insipidus Everyone is familiar with Diabetes Mellitus. Yes, the condition in which body is affected by a group of metabolic disorders, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. Then, what is Diabetes Insipidus? It […]

Treatment For Facial Paralysis

Facial Paralysis has become a common problem these days. In this condition, the areas innervated by the Facial Nerve are affected or paralysed. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Before the onset of the symptoms, facial pain radiating from ear may be experienced by the individuals. The Facial Paralysis is characterized by:- Weakness of the face in any […]

Treatment For Bronchial Diseases

The Bronchus is a part of respiratory system through which the air is conducted to lungs. There are Right and Left Bronchi. Let us see about the main conditions that affect Bronchi. Asthma:- It is a chronic inflammatory condition. The person may suffer from wheezing, coughing, tightness in chest, difficulty in breathing. Bronchitis:- Bronchitis is […]


The word Tharpanam literally means “nourishment”. This treatment is done in eye disorders. HOW THARPANAM IS DONE             This can be done as a treatment or as a preventive. Usually medicated ghee is used for the treatment. In this treatment a well-like structure is made around the eyes. The person […]


Sirovasthi is one of the most important treatments. It comes under the Murdha Thailas, the treatments for the murdha or the head. This treatment can be done as curative and rejuvenation therapy. Moreover, the treatment has a wide range of action. HOW SIROVASTHI IS DONE?              In Sirovasthi, a frame […]

Body Purification/ Sodhana Chikitsa

As the name suggests, the Sodhana Chikitsa is administered for purification of the body. By undergoing the Sodhana Chikitsa, those vitiated humors, which got accumulated in body, are expelled out. This helps in the curing of ailments, repairing the body and rejuvenating it. Ashtanga Hridaya, one of the important treatises, explains this idea in one […]

Rasayana Chikitsa

In one word, we can define Rasayana Chikitsa as Rejuvenation Therapy. What does Ayurveda says about Rasayana. “रसायनतन्त्रं नाम वय:स्थापनमायुर्मेधाबलकरं रोगापहरणसमर्थम् च ॥“ (Susrutha Samhitha : Suthra Sthana: Chapter:1: Verse:7) Rasayana Tantra is that branch of Ayurveda that describes the methods of withholding ageing, increasing the life-span, intelligence, strength and immunity. In total, the Rasayana […]


The Pizhichil, is one of the Swedana methods. It is a modified version of Kayaseka, used in Kerala. This can be done as a main treatment or as a rejuvenation therapy. HOW PIZHICHIL IS DONE? In this, method the person is laid on the Taila Dhroni, a special table, and oil is poured continuously in […]