On different procedures used in Ayurveda

Njavara Kizhi


Njavara Kizhi is also known as Shashtika Sali Pinda Swedam. From that term itself it is clear that it comes under the Swedanam or the Sudation Therapy.

Pinda Sweda or Kizhi is a special form of treatment formed and followed in Kerala. In this method, various medicines are used to make boluses that are packed in cloth bags and used to apply heat to the body. According to the type of bolus used the name of the Kizhi changes.

Njavara is a type of rice that has high medicinal value. The rice is cooked in medicated milk decoction. The well-cooked rice is tied in cloth as bolus. The bolus is kept warm throughout the entire procedure by dipping in medicated milk decoction.


This procedure can be done as a treatment and also for rejuvenation. Mainly done in conditions like:-

  • Neurological Disorders
  • Neuromuscular disorders
  • Degenerative disorders


This cannot be done in:-

  • Diseases caused by Kapha Dosha
  • Conditions with oedema
  • Indigestion
  • Skin diseases
  • Heart diseases
  • Diseases related to urinary system
  • Obesity

The above said are the indications and contraindications of the Njavara Kizhi. But there are many other factors also to be considered before advising the treatment for the person. Only after a careful examination only a physician will advice the treatment.


The person should follow the instructions given by the physician. Some of the important things to be noted are:-

  • The person should use water that was boiled and then cooled down to luke-warm temperature for bathing.
  • He/she should take medicines prescribed by the physician, if any.
  • Light food is recommended for the person.
  • The person should avoid sexual intercourse during the course of treatment or till the physician suggests.



Mukhalepam is done on the face. In this treatment the medicated paste is applied on the face and kept for specified time. The paste is made according to the condition of the person.

             During the treatment the person is allowed to sit or lie in a comfortable position. The thickness of the application also depends on the condition of the person. The thickness varies from thin to thick. Usually the applied paste is removed before getting completely dried.


        According to the condition, Mukhabhyanga or the massage of the face using suitable medicated oil is done. The person should not get himself exposed to fire, sun etc.


  The Mukhalepam is indicated in the below said conditions:-

  • Pigmentation of the face
  • Acne
  • Pimples
  • Blackheads
  • Wrinkles etc.


The Mukhalepam have the following benefits:-

  • Improves complexion
  • Clear and flawless skin
  • Antiseptic properties


  • Principles and practice of Panchakarma



This is a very simple treatment. But the action of the treatment is wide. Mostly the treatment is done locally and in special cases in entire body.


In Lepanam, medicated paste is made by mixing medicated powders with appropriate liquids. Depending upon the condition of the person and disease the selection of the medicines may vary. The prepared medicated paste is applied on the area or the entire body. The paste is removed after the specified time.


Benefits of the Lepanam vary according to the medicine used. There are lepanams that have:-

  • Anti-inflammatory property
  • Analgesic property
  • Lepanams that help in removing pimples etc.

The action of the lepanam varies according to the medicines used for the lepanam. Therefore the person should inform the physician about his/her condition correctly.



Kizhi is a Malayalam word meaning “a bag filled with”. Here the bag is filled with medicines. The filling can be medicated powder, processed medicinal leaves etc. According to the medicine used inside the bag and the procedure the name of the kizhi changes. In Sanskrit this is named as Pinda Sweda. From the name we can understand that the procedure comes under Swedana type of treatment.

The procedure can be done in many different ways. Let us take a look on different types of Kizhis.

The Kizhis that are commonly used in various treatments are:-


  • Churna Pinda Sweda or Podi Kizhi
  • Jambira Pinda Sweda or Naranga Kizhi
  • Kati Kizhi
  • Anda Sweda or Mutta Kizhi
  • Pathra Potali Sweda or Ila Kizhi
  • Shashtika Pinda Sweda or Njavara Kizhi
  • Valuka Sweda or Manal Kizhi



                       This procedure is known as Podi Kizhi in Malayalam. In this type the cloth bag is filled with medicated powders or Churnas, hence the name Churna Pinda Sweda. It can be done either after an oil massage or without oil massage. The requirement of oil massage is decided by the physician according to the conditions of the person.


             Jambira means lemon. Here processed lemons are used to fill the bag. Before starting the procedure the person is massaged with medicated oils.


              This is a variant of Curna Pinda Sweda. In this procedure, the powder is processed in Dhanyamla.


             This is also known as Mutta Kizhi. In this type of kizhi, boiled hen’s egg is processed and filled in the bag.


            In Malayalam, this procedure is commonly known as Ila Kizhi. In this type of procedure processed leaves are used to fill in the bags.


           In this type, the bag is filled with processed rice. The rice used is of medicinal value. Usually the bags are dipped in milk during the treatment.


         In this the bags are filled with processed sand.

Now let us take a look on how the procedure is done.


        The person is asked to lie down on the specially set table. The body may or may not be anointed with medicated oil (this is decided by the physician according to the condition of the person and the treatment prescribed). The bags are heated according to the instructions of the physician and the heated bags are used for the sudation.

Follow the instructions of the physician to attain the full effects of treatment.

Viruddhahara or The Incompatible Foods


Ayurveda teaches that certain foods should not be mixed together. If mixed, they may act as poisonous food. Such combinations may cause many diseases.  Let us see some of the combinations that are incompatible:-

  • Meat of animals from marshy regions when combined with:-
    • Black gram
    • Honey
    • Milk
    • Germinated grains
    • Jaggery etc.
  • Fish and milk, especially in case of prawns
  • Foods that are sour with milk
  • Fruits with milk
  • Green leafy vegetables followed by milk
  • Mixing equal quantities of honey, ghee, muscle fat, oil or water.

Consuming Viruddhahara may cause the aggravation of doshas and may not be expelled from the body causing many diseases.

Karkidaka Chikitsa or Monsoon Treatment

Karkkida Chikilsa

We all love rain. But do you know about the changes that take place in our body when the monsoon comes? And what is the importance of Karkidaka Chikitsa?

Rainy season comes after summer. In summer, the digestive fire gets debilitated. When the season changes suddenly, the digestion again slows down. That results in the vitiation of doshas. Along with that the heavy clouds, cold wind, polluted water etc results in further vitiation of doshas.

The vitiation of doshas may cause diseases or will aggravate the conditions already present. Here is the relevance of undergoing the ayurvedic treatment and following the ayurvedic way of living during the monsoon. The treatment methods are called as “Karkidaka Chikitsa” in Malayalam, in which “Karkidaka” is a month in the Malayalam calendar. It is during this season the monsoon starts in Kerala. “Chikitsa” means treatment.

The treatments done in monsoon are focused to alleviate the vitiated doshas. The Acharyas advice to perform purificatory therapies, that comes under Panchakarmas, to eliminate the doshas. After a thorough examination the physician evaluates the health of the person and decides the treatment routine. It may depend according to the health and other conditions of the person.

Ayurveda also advice to follow the following diet:-

  • Include the preparations with old grains.
  • Meat juices with spice is good during the season
  • Soups made from pulses can be included
  • Drink only boiled water
  • When the sunlight is very low, include food that are sour, salty, rich in fat, dry and that are easily digestible in diet.
  • Use of honey in food is good for health.

Avoid the following:-

  • Bathing and drinking in river water
  • Sleeping at daytime
  • Over exercise
  • Exposure to sun


In Karnapooranam, the medicated oil is filled in the ear for specified time. Before beginning the main the procedure, local massage is done around the ears. After that mild fomentation is also given in the areas.

Then the person is asked to turn to any one side and the main procedure is done. The oil is made luke-warm before pouring inside the ears.


The Karnapooranam is beneficial in the conditions like:-

  • Ear Ache
  • Tinnitus
  • Deafness
  • Infections etc.

It can be done daily as a preventive measure for many conditions.



Principles and Practice of Panchakarma



The literal meaning of the Snehapanam is drinking of Snehas or fats. That may be oils, ghee etc. The procedure comes under Snehanam type of treatment. Snehanam types of treatments are generally categorised into two:-

  • Abhyantharam: Internal Administration
  • Bahyam: External Administration/Application

The Snehapanam comes under Abhyanthara Snehapanam. When studied in detail, there are many classifications under the topic Snehapanam. Here we are going to discuss about Acchapanam.



In this type the Sneha is given to the person directly as it is.

Again in Acchapanam there are 2 types, Shodhana (Purificatory) and Samana (Curative). In Acchapana, the Sneha is given in the early morning in empty stomach. When the Sneha gets digested, food is given to the person. The food should be easily digestible. The food and its quantity are decided by the physician.

Before the administration of the therapy a detailed examination and analysis of the person is done by the physician. After that only the dosage of the Sneha is determined. The digestion of the ingested Sneha is determined by the signs that are clearly visible. The dose of the Sneha is increased every day according to the time taken by the person to digest the Sneha on the first day.

The person should only drink warm water till the digestion of the Sneha is complete.

The duration of the treatment and the medicine used are determined by the physician. In case of nausea, the person can smell lemon.


This type of Snehapanam is administered for short duration and is usually administered in combination with dietary preparations.

These type of treatments are very important that they should be done only under the supervision of the Physician. It is also important that the person should follow the directions of the physician.


Sarvanga Kashaya Dhara

Sarvanga Kashaya Dhara

The procedure can be explained from the name itself. The word “Dhara” means pouring of liquids continuously on the body. Here of course, from the name it is evident that the liquid used here is Kashaya or medicated decoction. The word “Sarvanga” denotes whole body. So in this procedure the whole body is poured with medicated decoction continuously for a specified time.


               The medicated decoction is made and kept warm. The person is asked to lie down on Dhroni. The body may be massaged if needed (this is decided according to the condition of the person). The medicated decoction is poured continuously for the specified time.

               The medicated decoction is changed every day. After the procedure is done the person is allowed to take rest for some time. After proper rest, the person is allowed to bath in lukewarm water.

               Care is taken to avoid the medicated decoction from falling into the eyes and ears. The eyes are covered with cotton pads and cotton balls are plugged into the ears before the procedure.


The procedure varies according to the type of decoction used for the procedure. Therefore the procedure has wide range of actions. Generally the procedure is used in conditions like:-

  • Wounds
  • The diseases caused by Vata Dosha etc.




Basthi is one of the Panchakarmas, the five main procedures of Ayurveda. When we compare the Panchakarmas alone, we can see that Basthi have more importance among the Panchakarmas.

Even though Basthi is the most important treatment for the diseases caused due to the Vata Dosha, it is highly effective in many complex diseases that are difficult to be cured. Since the treatment has wide range of therapeutic action it is considered as Chikitsardha.

Basthi not only have curative property but also have rejuvenative property.


Usually the word “Enema” is used to explain Basthi. But Basthi is totally different from enema. Enema is the administration of fluids through anus to evacuate the contents of the lower colon.

In Basthi, medicated fluids are administered in to the anus. This is a complex treatment by which, even the most difficult diseases can be cured. Since both the Basthi and enema have similar methods of administration, we use the word “Enema” for describing Basthi.


While studying in detail, there are many classifications for the Basthi. But here we are dealing with general classification:-

  • Niruha/Kashaya Basthi
  • Anuvasana Basthi


In this type mainly different forms of Kashayas or decoctions are administered as enemas. It is a systemic therapy having a wide range of therapeutic effects. This helps in the elimination of the vitiated Vata Dosha.

This procedure can be done for those who cannot undergo Virechanam. The Niruha Basthi is usually done in combination with Anuvasana Basthi


The procedure is done in empty stomach. But it should be made sure that the person is not hungry. Mild Abhyanga and thereafter Swedana are done. The person is laid in the position. The Basthi is administered. The person is allowed to lie in supine position until he has the urge to defecate. After defecation, the person is allowed to bath in warm water.  After the bath, the person is given food that the physician has advised. Proper rest should be taken after that according to the instructions of the physician.


In this type of Basthi, medicated oils or fats are administered to the person. The Anuvasana Basthi is administered after food, mainly after the lunch. The person is given mild Abhyangam and Swedanam before the bath. After bathing in warm water the person can take lunch in the advised quantity. The person is laid in the position and the Basthi is administered. After the administration the person is given local massage. After some time, may be after 9 hours, the person will feel the urge to defecate.


The Uttara Basthi is administered through genitor-urinary tract. In males, the procedure is done through urinary tract and in females it can be done through vagina or urinary tract. The procedure is done under highly sterile conditions.

The Basthi is one of the most important treatments in Ayurveda. Hence the person should approach the treatment seriously. He/she should follow the instructions of the physician obediently.



Nasyam is one of the Panchakarmas. In this type of treatment, the medicine is administered through the nose. It can be used in many ways:-

  • As a daily regimen
  • As a treatment
  • As a rejuvenation therapy
  • As either pre-operative, post-operative or the main procedure

It not only cures the diseases that affect head, but also other systems.


It is advised to practise Nasyam as a daily regimen to protect your health. Daily practise of Nasyam can:-

  • Prevent many diseases.
  • Provide good skin
  • Help in the growth of hair
  • Prevent the greying of hair
  • Provide clear voice etc.


The Nasyam is indicated in the following conditions:-

  • Many ENT diseases
  • Ophthalmic diseases
  • Sinusitis
  • Migraine
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Neurological disorders
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Gynaecological disorders etc.

Depending upon the dose, action, type of the medicin used etc the Nasyam can be classified into many types.


According to the dose of the medicine used Nasyam can be classified as Marsha and Prathimarsha.

Prathimarsha Nasyam uses only 2 drops. Moreover this can be practised daily.

Whereas Marsha Nasyam uses more than 2 drops and the dose is decided by the physician. This type Nasyam cannot be practised daily.

Usually Dhumapana (inhalation of medicated smoke) is done before the Nasyam. After Dhumapana, Thalam is kept on the vertex of the head. Slight fomentation is done locally. The person is then asked to lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Lukewarm medicine is instilled into the nostrils slowly and the person is asked to inhale slowly.

After the medicine enters the person’s face, head, shoulders, chest, palms, soles etc are massaged gently.

The mucous comes to the mouth of the person which should be spit out into the vessel kept near the person. The person should not get up from the position. He/she should tilt head to spit. After the time period the person can take rest.

The person should not bath or take food for one hour.

The person will be directed by the physician about what all he/she should do and what he/she should avoid. The instructions must be followed by the person to get complete benefits and to avoid the complications.