
Milk and Milk Products

From ancient period onwards, milk is considered to be the complete food. It is a best source for various vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats etc. Now let us see what Ayurveda has to say about milk and milk products.

According to Ayurveda, milk is sweet in taste. The milk is invigorating, aphrodisiac and acts as a coolant. It nourishes the tissues.

But the properties may change according to the source. In Ashtanga Hrdaya, various types of milk are discussed, including human milk.

Cow’s milk:- Ayurveda says that a person who consumes cow’s milk will get long life. Cow’s milk is also rejuvenative. It provides strength and increases intelligence.

Buffalo’s Milk:- Since this milk is difficult to digest, this milk can only be given to those with very powerful digestion.

Goat’s Milk:- Goat’s milk is easily digestible. It can be used in the treatment of several conditions like fever, dyspnoea etc.

Camel’s Milk:- Camel’s milk can help in increasing appetite and is easily digestible.

The text also discusses about the properties of ewe, elephant and that of one hoofed animals.


Curd is sour in taste. It is hard to digest. It helps in increasing fat and strength. Having curd will help in improving taste and appetite. But consuming curd may cause oedema in some. Ayurveda advices not to have curd in night and also do not heat the curd.

Traditional Buttermilk:- It is easily digestible and improves the appetite. It is sour in taste.

Butter:- Butter is aphrodisiac in nature and improves strength and digestion. It is cold in potency.

Ghee:- Ghee is considered to be the best among fats. It improves intelligence, memory and digestion. It bestows long life and good eye sight.

Among all these, the milk and milk products of cow is considered to be the best and that of ewe’s is the least



Water, is the elixir of life. Can you imagine a life without water? No doubt, earth would have been devoid of life. Let us see what Ayurveda says about water.

In Ashtanga Hrdaya, the water is classified according to the source.

The best type of water is rain water and that water which is exposed to sun and wind.

Dushta Jala or Contaminated Water:- In Ayurveda, it is strictly advised that a person should not consume contaminated water. If the water appears dirty, mixed with slush, algae, weeds or leaves, if not exposed to sunlight and wind, if it appears to be frothy, thick, heavy, or if there are worms or spiders, then the water is said to be contaminated.

River Water:- The water from Himalayan rivers was said to be the purest river water. Since the water gets churned up as it gets churned up while flowing from the mountains, it is said to be good for health. It is also said that water from certain regions can cure certain conditions.

The Ayurveda also discusses about well water.

Ayurveda also mentions the benefits of drinking water while having food. It is said that:-

  • If a person drinks water in the end of his or her meals, then the person’s body will be nourished or stout.
  • If a person drinks water in the beginning of his or her meals, then the person’s body will get emaciated.
  • If a person drinks water in the middle of his or her meals, then the person’s body will remain the same or normal.

The Ayurveda also discusses about the benefits of drinking hot water and cold water:-


  • Hot Water:-  Drinking hot water helps increase hunger and digestion. It helps to cure throat conditions, flatulence, cough, cold, dyspnoea etc.
  • Cold Water:- Drinking cold water helps in decreasing exhaustion, debility, thirst, heat of sun etc.


Coconut Water

Coconut water/ tender coconut water is sweet in taste and easily digestible. It is a coolant that relieves taste and is good for urinary problems.

Hypertension And Ayurveda


Hypertension or High blood pressure has become a common condition. Long term medication is needed to manage the blood pressure. Let us see what results in the increase in blood pressure.


The factors that determine the blood pressure are:-

  • The amount of blood your heart pumps.
  • The amount of resistance in the arteries to blood flow.

Now you may understand what results the high pressure. if your heart pumps more amount of blood or if the arteries become narrow, your blood pressure increases.


A person with high blood pressure may not have any symptoms for many years. Even though there may not be any symptoms, the condition may continue causing damages to blood vessels and heart. Eventually the variation in the pressure can be detected.

A few may develop the following symptoms:-

  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nose bleed

If uncontrolled this may result in heart attack or stroke and usually most people only get to know about their condition when they fall sick.


Primary hypertension

The cause is unknown. This type gradually develops over years.

Secondary hypertension

There will be an underlying cause that results in hypertension. The conditions that may cause hypertension are:-

  • Kidney problems
  • Thyroid issues
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Adrenal gland tumors
  • Congenital defects of arteries
  • Illegal drugs
  • Some medicines etc.


Many factors increase the risk of hypertension. They are:-

  • Age:- The risk of getting hypertension increases with the age.
  • Family History:- high blood pressure tends to run in families
  • Obesity
  • Less physical activity
  • Tobacco usage
  • Including too much salt in your diet and absence of enough potassium.
  • Alcoholism
  • Stress
  • Certain chronic conditions

During pregnancy, some may suffer from high blood pressure.


If uncontrolled for long period of time, the condition may cause:-

  • Heart attack 
  • Stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Heart failure
  • Affects the functioning of kidneys
  • Affects the health of eyes
  • Affects memory etc.


The history of the person is studied to understand the type and cause of hypertension. Internal and external medications can help in the management of the high blood pressure. Rest is an important factor that helps in this condition. Some of the treatments that can help are:-

  • Talam
  • Siro dhara
  • Siro lepa
  • Nasya
  • Raktamoksha
  • Rasayana chikitsa etc.

Yoga and meditation helps in controlling the blood flow and thereby helps in reducing the blood pressure.

The treatment is determined by the qualified physician after determining the root cause