De-addiction and Rehabilitation From Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
Alcoholism may result in mental and physical problems. A person is said to be alcoholic when he or she drinks large amount over a long period, difficulty in cutting down, acquiring and drinking alcohol takes up a lot of time, usage results in problem, withdrawal occurs when stopping and alcohol tolerance has occurred.
What are the complications of alcoholism? the long term usage of alcohol may result in mental illness, irregular heartbeat, liver cirrhosis and cancer.
Alcoholism may also affects the individual’s social and family life. It can cause problems in relationships.
Drug Addiction
Marijuana, cocaine, opium etc are abused by many for pleasure. Most of them find it difficult to stop the usage. They may have deranged thoughts, decreased communication skills and lack a good social and family life.
Tobacco Addiction
Tobacco addiction is the practice of smoking tobacco and inhaling tobacco smoke.
The addiction may lead to many conditions like:-
- Lung cancer
- Chronic bronchitis
- Myocardial infarction
- Peptic ulcer
- Cancer of larynx, mouth and oesophagus
Some theories state that tobacco addiction may play as a gateway to other addictions.
Treatment of alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction
According to the signs and symptoms that a person exhibits, the vitiated Dosha is analysed by the physician.
The person can be subjected to shodhana chikitsa or purificatory therapies. If not eligible for such a treatment, he or she can undergo Shamana chikilsa.
Along with internal medicines that can act as anti craving agents, medications that can improve mental stability may also be given.
Counselling, motivational classes and psychotherapy are also given according to the condition of patient.
Yoga helps a lot in de-addiction and rehabilitation. Yoga is not just a mode of exercise but also a mode of living. A person who practices yoga will attain physical and mental stability. Meditation and pranayama, done under the supervision of yoga instructor helps a person to overcome addictions.
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